I have always been interested in the Power of the Mind.  I became a certified hypnotherapist in 1999, and have followed and taken extensive courses from professionals such as such as Dr. Joe Dispenza, and Deepak Chopra.  When we learn to “think forward,” it becomes an attitude and is soon a lifestyle habit.  When we clear the clutter out of the mind, allowing it to focus on the “inner- knowing,” we create the life one has always dreamed.

80% of what is being thought about in the mind is false, and only 20% is fact. When we “catch” our thoughts, we can throw out the ones that sabotage our life.  Our thoughts and feelings are energy.  When they match the energy of our goal, it must come to pass.  I have learned in my own life, that when I meditate daily, focus my thoughts on my intention, I feel good.  When I feel good, my energetic vibration is higher, and that allows me to attract everything I need.  There is no need to knock on doors, call clients, waste energy; it all comes to us without effort.  When I lose my connection with that highly activated amazing feeling, everything is work.

The powerful sub-conscious mind has a great affect on our actions and responses without even thinking about it.  The brain affects and controls the body.  I explain how this mind-body connection occurs.  By keeping the thoughts in the subconscious mind positive, one has better control of their body, and an athlete has better control in his/her game.

The thoughts in our mind create our future.  What we think about expands, and eventually will manifest as reality.  If we don’t like what life is giving us, simply change our focus, to change the outcome.

My goal is to help you identify your desires, and rid yourself of negative self-talk.  I will help you become aware of the language you use, that doesn’t keep you on the path toward your goals.  I see things you miss.  I want to help you raise your standards so your life will feel “like you’re lucky!”  Learn to be happy, regardless of your circumstances.  There are no rules to follow, just understand your emotions and let them be your guide.  YOU are in charge of your happiness!

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