Lori specializes in performing soft tissue therapy, which understands movement dysfunction and pain.  She integrates soft tissue therapy, flexibility training, corrective exercise, and mental programing to achieve the desired result.  She has named this process, MyoKinetic Therapy (MKT).  The MKT identifies muscles that are locked, bound, shut down, unhealthy, and fatigued.   Understanding the kinetic chain and biomechanics, an MKT is able to release the muscles causing pain; therefore preventing an injury or aiding in healing an injury.

MK Therapy is successfully integrating different techniques such as deep tissue, trigger point, stripping, active release techniques, flushing, and many other modalities.  Integrating these techniques, help keep the body free from blockages and restricted muscles.  It helps open the blood flow to deep muscle spasms that create fatigue, tension, stiffness, pain and often injury.  This system can give information about muscle weakness, nutritional deficiencies, injuries, mental blocks, and much more.  MyoKinetic therapy can alleviate pain without drugs, overcome emotional and physical stress, and increase energy.

After soft tissue therapy, the therapist will perform several stretches, assisted and unassisted, to further lengthen the muscles.  Corrective exercises are given to the client to be performed at the end of the session, and for the following weeks at home.  These exercises hold the newly aligned posture, to prevent the body from falling back into faulty movement patterns when returning to normal daily routines.

Benefits of MyoKinetic Therapy

  • Helps lower blood pressure
  • Relaxes breathing improving concentration and control
  • Increases blood flow
  • Reduces pain and discomfort
  • Improves balance and gait patterns
  • Improves range of motion
  • Improves posture
  • Increases energy

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